10 questions to ask your parents before it's too late
/10 questions to ask your parents before it's too late.
Many people do not realize the importance of asking our parents questions about themselves and the family until it is too late, and after one generation passes, the next generation doesn’t know who is in the family photos or much about the family history. Thankfully, with the advent of easier recording technology, it is now possible to keep our parent’s memories alive through digital recordings such as family movies. Consider recording your parent’s answering these 10 questions before it’s too late.
#1: Who is in the family photos?
If you have family photos of grandparents, great-grandparents, cousins and other family members, then ask your parents about who is in the family photos. This will allow you to identify family members who have passed away.
#2: Where were you, your parents and (if possible) your grandparents born?
It’s important to know where our family comes from, so make sure to ask your parents about where they were born—along with where other generations of the family were born, if they know about them. Recording this information in family movies will help preserve it for future generations.
#3: What was your childhood like?
Ask your parents about their childhood so that they can share this important piece of history with you. They might share where they grew up, what they liked to play, and the names of family friends— all this family history is so precious and needs to be preserved.
#4: What jobs did you have over the years?
We don’t know much about our parent’s lives before we were born, which is why it’s so important to ask them about the jobs and other adult experiences they had over the years. You might find out they had an interesting job you never knew about!
#5: What are some family stories you were told?
Your parents may know family stories that were passed down to them from their parents or grandparents, so make sure you ask them about these so that they can be preserved for future generations in your family as well.
#6: What is our family’s medical history?
Family history should include medical history whenever possible, especially when it comes to any generic diseases that you or future generations of the family should know about.
#7: What is one special memory you want to share?
Sentimental family history from your parents is truly priceless, and asking your parents about something they want to pass down will be something you, your children and grandchildren will treasure.
#8: Where has our family lived in the past?
Family history should include location, too! Your parents may know where the family has lived in the past, including different countries.
#9: What have you learned throughout your life?
Parental wisdom often goes unrecorded, so take this time to ask your parents to share their wisdom so that you can preserve it as part of family history on video for future generations to see.
#10: Is there anything else you want to share?
Finally, ask your parents about anything else they personally want to share—you might be surprised at what they say!
To learn which is the best software for doing a family tree click here.
To learn how to film your grandparent with a smart phone click here.
To learn how to trace holocaust survivors and victims in your family history click here.
To learn whether we should record the lives of our pets click here.