How many people have the same name as me?

Silver Screen Family

How many people have the same name as me?

If you have a name that seems to pop up wherever you go, then you may have wondered: how many people have the same name as me? Is there a reason why certain names seem to pop up more than others? The answer these questions requires knowing a bit about the subject of family history, and how family memories—along with other factors—can influence what names people choose for their children.

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What Makes Names Popular?

Silver Screen Family Names

First: what makes names popular in the first place? The answer has many different factors to consider. Of course, family history plays a large role; names that have been previously used in the family are more likely to be used again. This is especially true for names of beloved family members, as positive family memories make people more likely to choose those names for their own children. Other possibilities include names passed down through old family photographs; seeing an interesting name scrawled on the back of old family photographers can lead people to choosing that name to continue into the next generation.

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Of course, family history is not the only factor when it comes to names being passed down. Other factors include the popularity of certain names based on social convention and even pop culture. For instance, in Europe during the 1600s, names based on Biblical stories were very popular—whereas in America during the 1960s, naming children after ideals and flowers (such as “Hope,” “Love,” and “Daisy”) were popular. You can even trace the rising and falling popularity of trendy names if you look at most popular name charts through the years.

It is impossible to count the true number of people with your same exact name, but if you google “people with (name) in (your country)” you may be able to get a general estimate.

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Why Names Get Passed Down: Family Legacies

When it comes to naming people after other members in your family, the key reason behind this type of name choice is preserving and continuing a family legacy. Even choosing a name from a family member several generations back can be a way to continue their memory in a small and subtle way. As anyone with strong ties to their family knows, preserving and continuing your family’s legacy and history is important to make sure that future generations know the stories and memories of the people who came before them.

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Family legacy is the reason why you might see several generations of family members with the same name—or even a name inspired by a previous name. It is becoming very popular for people to continue family legacy names with “inspired” names. For instance, a great-grandmother might be named Maria and her great-grandchild might be named “Mary.” 

Whatever the history behind your name, one thing is for sure: even though there may be countless others with your name in the world, your story—and your family legacy—is something truly unique to you and your family.

To learn how to trace holocaust survivors and victims in your family history click here.

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