The importance of recording your family’s love stories!
/The importance of recording your family’s love stories!
There is nothing nicer than listening to other couple’s love stories—but do you know your family’s love stories? Family memories about couples falling in love can be truly extraordinary, especially among family members who have been related for decades. Why not take the time to record your family’s love stories so that they can be passed down and shared with future generations? The following guide will help you learn how to turn family memories about love stories into recorded memories.
Do You Know Your Family’s Historical Love Stories?
First, how much do you really know about your family’s history in regards to love stories? Are there any special family memories you associate with love stories among your relatives, such as attending the wedding of an aunt and uncle who are truly in love or being there when your cousin proposed? Perhaps you’ve seen couples in old family photographs and wondered how they met. Whatever the case, you’ll want to read on to find out some great tips for preserving your family’s love stories by recording them for future generations.
To learn how to research gay family history click here.
Tips for Preserving Your Family’s Love Stories by Recording Them
The following are some great tips you can follow to preserve your family’s love stories by recording them on camera.
Tip: Find out which family members have or know interesting family history “love stories”
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The first thing you should do in your quest to record family love stories is to find out who has the most interesting family history love stories to share. Grandparents? Parents? Cousins? Aunts? Uncles? Ask around to see who has been together the longest or who has the most interesting “first meeting” story.
Tip: Ask family couples to come and record their story
You can also ask family couples to come and record their personal love stories. This is a great way to compile a lot of family history together since you will have the recorded stories of many different people in the family. You can go visit people in their homes and record them there, or ask them to come to your location in case you want a consistent background for the recorded stories. Remember to set up a tripod so that the camera doesn’t shake!
Click here for tips on how to record a family interview with your smartphone.
Tip: Ask around for family members who can share older family love stories
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There may be people in your family who have passed away and can no longer share their love stories. But as anyone who has seen a loving couple in old family photographs and wanted to know more can attest, their stories are still well worth sharing and preserving. You should ask around to find family members who can share love stories from your family’s history, in particular stories about people who are no longer with us.
Tip: Back up the recordings in multiple locations
After you’ve recorded family members talking about family love stories, make sure that you back up the recordings in multiple locations. This should include backing up the files on a digital cloud, along with physical discs or USB sticks.
To learn which is the best software for doing a family tree click here.
To learn whether we should record the lives of our pets click here.
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To learn how to Label Your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.