Five things you should do with your DNA results.
/Five things you should do with your DNA results.
The advent of DNA testing sites has made it easier than ever for people to find out information about their DNA, including where their family comes from, medical history and much more. Family history and DNA are naturally linked together, but what should you do with your DNA test results once you receive them? The following are 5 things that you should be doing with your DNA results, especially if you are planning on preserving family history.
#1: Make a hard copy of your DNA results (along with several backups)
The first thing you need to do is make a hard copy of all your DNA results. A hard copy should be a printed copy on paper, which you should then store in an archival-safe material in a secure location. You should also make several other backups, including both digital and hard copies, just in case something happens to your results. These copies will ensure that your DNA results can always be accessed.
Click here to learn how to upload DVD family videos to the cloud.
#2: Include them in your family history documentation
Your DNA results can add interesting information to your overall family history, so you should include your DNA results with the rest of your family history documentation. If more than one person in your family has received DNA results, ask them for copies so that their information can be included as well.
Click here to find out how to organize your family history paperwork.
#3: Share them with your relatives (and compare!)
It’s undeniably fun to share your DNA results, so don’t forget to share them with your relatives and if possible, compare! It will be interesting to see how the different branches of the family compare, especially when it comes to the country of origin from their ancestors. If possible, have a little family party where everyone brings their results so you can discuss, compare and pass the results around the table.
To learn how to share family history through social media click here.
#4: Make sure your privacy is protected
It’s very important that your DNA results are kept private, which is fairly easy to do on most DNA testing websites. Go into the settings of your account and make sure that the full results are not accessible to anyone except yourself. In some cases, you may want to share a limited amount of DNA information in case relatives try to contact you—but make sure you know what information is being shared and what you are agreeing to when you choose this type of option.
To learn how to share family videos online privately click here.
#5: Consider uploading them to legitimate family history sites
If you are doing dedicated research into your family history, then you may be able to incorporate your DNA results into certain family history sites. These sites may be able to connect you with other family members or otherwise provide relevant information that will help you explore and document your family history. Make sure that you only upload results to legitimate sites that are willing to protect your privacy.
To learn which are the best DNA test sites available in the UK click here.
If you have taken a DNA test and received the results, make sure you do the above 5 things to protect your privacy, back up your results and further explore your family history.
To learn how to back up your old photos click here.
To learn how to convert old family slides click here.
To learn how to Label Your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.