Common Family Christmas Traditions And Why We Follow Them

Silver Screen Family Christmas

Common family Christmas traditions & why we follow them.

Family traditions are an important part of who we are individually and who we are as a family. So many family memories are based around these important family traditions, especially when it comes to holidays like Christmas. Some of the most common family Christmas traditions are rooted in the support of creating family history. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common family Christmas traditions you’ll find people doing this December—and why we do them in the first place.

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Decorating the Christmas tree is one of those family traditions that bring a smile to everyone’s face. What child doesn’t light up with a grin when the lights are first plugged in, and what adult doesn’t smile and reminiscence when plucking a favorite childhood ornament out of the Christmas tree box? Decorating the tree isn’t just about making the house look full of Christmas tree, it’s about creating new memories for younger family memories, creating happy memories for older family memories, and letting people think about years past where they decorated the tree as children or with loved ones now gone.

Silver Screen Family Christmas tree

Click here for some fun family history activities to do at family reunions

Singing Christmas Songs Together

Gathering together to sing Christmas songs is another one of those family traditions that always pops up around December. Singing Christmas carols together is a way to celebrate the holiday as a family doing an activity that brings joy and laughter to everyone involved. It also lets family members showcase their artistic ability, whether they’re playing the piano, singing, or just creating the playlist.


Having Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner is a tradition that is steeped in family history. Having Christmas dinner together is one of the most important times for families to get together during the holidays, and so many family memories are created around the Christmas dinner table. Sharing Christmas dinner embodies the spirit of the Christmas season, when everyone is meant to come together to share their love, support and happiness with one another. 

Silver Screen Family Christmas Dinner

Here are five family history gift ideas to give grandma.

Giving Gifts

Giving gifts is a popular Christmas tradition for many reasons. For one, who doesn’t love to receive a well thought out gift? But another reason why we love to share gifts with loved ones during the Christmas season is that it lets us showcase how much we care about one another. By choosing a “perfect gift” for a family member, you are expressing how much you know and care about that person. 

Silver Screen Family Christmas Gifts

Tired of traditional Christmas? Try these traditions instead

Sending Personalised Christmas Cards

Finally, a family tradition that people look forward to during December: making and sending personalised Christmas cards! This tradition is especially popular among new families, aka the children who are now adults that are married and having children of their own. Personalised Christmas cards are a way to cement your bond as a new family, while still showing that you love and support your entire family tree as a whole. Best of all, cards make for a perfect decoration on the mantel or even hung on the tree.

When you are participating in Christmas traditions this year, don’t forget to enjoy your new cherished family memories.

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