Transfering your old VHS to DVD and then uploading them to the cloud.

What is the best software to burn my family VHS videos to DVD?

Are you worried about your family history being lost due to outdated formats like VHS? If so, you are not alone: now that VHS players are no longer being produced, you are right to worry because once your VHS players stop working it means that you can no longer enjoy your family movies.

And what will happen with the next generation, who aren’t going to have old VHS players in the garage?

Sharing family films with your children, especially films which feature family members who have passed away will be nearly impossible if you leave them on VHS. Thankfully, you don’t have to leave your family movies on VHS to rot away. Transferring them to DVD is the first step to preserving them for future generations and making them accessible to watch for other people in your family who want to enjoy family history. To do this, you will need the right software and tools.

Let’s take a closer look at the best software you can use to transfer your family movies from VHS to DVD.

Roxio Easy VHS to DVD 3 Plus

This is the most accessible software that anyone with access to a computer should be able to use. With the Roxio software, you will be able to connect your VHS player or camcorder right to your computer using a USB device. From there, all you have to do is use the installed Roxio software to capture the movies, transfer them and then burn them onto a DVD or even convert them into files you can store on your phone, the digital cloud, Facebook or YouTube. Best of all, the Roxio software isn’t just a convertor: you can actually stabilize shaky old home videos, trim them if you want, or split them into different DVDs by theme, year, and people who are in the film, and so on. For example, you could create a DVD solely of children’s Christmas concerts, family birthday videos, and so on.

Golden Videos VHS to DVD Converter

Like Roxio, this is fairly accessible software that allows you to easily convert family movies on VHS to DVD. This software works similarly to the Roxio software. You connect your VHS player to your computer, use the software to capture and transfer the footage, and from there you can burn it onto DVD or convert it into a file that can be shared online or stored in the cloud. There are some more complex video editor tools with this software, such as automatic stabilization and the ability to add subtitles and even special effects. If you are looking to do more than simply capture the videos as-is, then this is a good software option that will let you play around with your family videos in a more complex way.

Remember: VHS tapes do not last forever. If you are worried about sharing home movies with your children and grandchildren and others in your family, then make sure you back them up to DVD so they can be cherished forever.

Uploading DVDs to the cloud.

Now that you have digitized your VHSs into DVDs, you already know how fun it is to pop in a DVD and relive your family history at the push of a button. But did you know that DVDs are actually quite limiting when it comes to sharing and preserving family movies? Let’s take a closer look at the limitations of family films on DVD and how you can transfer the DVDs of your family movies onto the cloud to the benefit of your entire family—and to the benefit of preserving your family history.

Limitations of Using DVDs for Family Videos

DVDs are a step up from VHS, which is now an outdated method of film preservation. However, there are still some limitations to having family movies on DVDs. The two most significant limitations are as follows. One, the fact that DVDs do not last forever: They can be lost, scratched, and eventually will not work due to the natural degradation of the DVD material. The second limitation is that you can’t easily share DVDs with other people in your family, which makes sharing family movies more difficult than it has to be; for instance, if you want to share your childhood home movies with your sister who lives across the country, there’s no easy way to make a copy of the DVD for her.

The solution to this problem is simple: transfer DVDs to the digital cloud. This way, family history, and family films can be shared using an easy digital file that can be sent to whomever you would like. The file will also be backed up on the cloud so that if something ever happens to the DVD, you have a copy and your family history isn’t lost.

How to Transfer DVDs onto the Digital Cloud

Now that you know that you want to transfer your family movies DVDs onto the cloud, all you need to do is follow the step by step guide that will teach you how to back up your DVDs on the cloud for easy sharing and storage.

Step One: Transfer the DVDs to a computer

You will first need to transfer the DVD files onto a computer. This will almost always require using a software program, since most DVDs are encoded and it’s not as simple as dragging a file onto your laptop or computer desktop.

Step Two: Check the format

Once you have the DVD video files onto your computer, you will need to make sure they are in an accessible format. The most accessible format today is “.mp4,” so this is the format you should aim for, as it can be viewed on almost all smart phones, laptops, computers and tablets. If you are using a software program, it will give you the option to choose the format.

Step Three: Upload to your preferred cloud—and share!

Next, upload it to your preferred cloud service such as Google Drive. Then share with friends and family and enjoy the fact that your family history is now accessible and preserved.

Should you store your files on YouTube?

It’s becoming easier than ever to backup family mementos in ways that allow you to share them with the rest of your family—but what about family movies? Unlike family photos, movies aren’t as easily uploaded to sites where your family can privately access them to view family history. One option that many people are turning to in order to store family films is YouTube. But should you store your family history on YouTube? Let’s take a closer look at the options you have for storing family movies using this service. 

Uploading to YouTube 

There are three primary ways that you can upload family films to YouTube: public videos, private videos and unlisted videos. Each of these video options has its pros and cons when it comes to uploading family movies.  

Public Videos 

Public videos are completely available to the public. Anyone can technically find your family movies if they happen to come across them using the search function. This also means that the videos can be shared and embedded by anyone on the internet. It is not the best option if you want your family movies to be private, or if the information or content on the videos is something you (or someone in the video) wouldn’t want to be shared with the world. This option does allow for easier access for family members because they won’t have to follow special links or get invited, but it does come with the drawbacks of no privacy. 

Private Videos 

Private videos can only be viewed by people who have been specifically invited to view the video. This means that anyone who wants to view the video has to have a YouTube account, and you (or whoever decides to upload the videos) have to invite them. This is the ultimate private option on YouTube, as it allows you to grant exclusive control over who can view the video. This option is limited to 50 accounts, so it’s not ideal if you want to share the video with a massive amount of family members. 

Unlisted Videos 

Unlisted videos can technically be viewed by anyone—however; they cannot be found using the search function and can only be discovered by people who have the specific link to the video. You can then give out this link to a select group of people whom you want to see your family movies. The upside to this option is that people can view it without having a YouTube account or waiting to be invited/approved; the downside is that the videos are technically not private and if someone gives out the link in a public location, other people could view the video. 

If you want to store your family movies on YouTube, carefully consider the above options when making your decision. 

To learn how to film your grandparent with a smart phone click here.

To learn how to back up your old photos click here.

To learn how to convert old family slides click here.

To learn how to Label Your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.

At Silver Screen Family, our mission is to help families create beautiful films that capture the stories and experiences of their elders, ensuring that they are remembered and cherished for generations to come.

First and foremost, creating a film about your elders is a wonderful opportunity to preserve their legacy. Our parents and grandparents have lived through times and events that we may not have experienced ourselves. By documenting their stories and experiences, we can ensure that their legacy is passed down accurately and authentically. Moreover, these stories can help us to understand the world from their perspective, which can be incredibly enlightening and valuable.

Secondly, creating an heirloom-quality film is a perfect way to honor and show gratitude to your elders. Our elders are often the ones who have laid the foundation for our lives and our society. By creating a beautiful and heartwarming film about their life, you are showing them that their hard work and dedication have not gone unappreciated.

At Silver Screen Family, we work with you to create a unique and personalized film that captures every aspect of your elders' lives. Our experienced team combines visual elements with insightful interviews to create a beautiful and compelling film that you and your family will want to return to for years to come.

In conclusion, a well-made film about your elders is an invaluable investment for your family. It allows you to preserve their legacy and honour their contributions, offer them therapeutic benefits, and create a treasured heirloom that can be passed down through future generations. We at Silver Screen Family are committed to providing you with a personalized and high-quality service, and we would be honoured to help you create a beautiful film about your elders.

Thank you for considering our services.

How to share family photos online privately.

Silver Screen Family history photos

How to share family photos online privately.


Your family history is something that deserves to be passed down and preserved for future generations. Most people, unfortunately, are left with missing pieces of family history because they don’t take the time to preserve like not knowing who the person in an old photograph is; but it is easier than ever to create family history photo galleries to showcase and highlight your family, including tidbits about your family history that can be shared across generations. 


One of the great things about modern-day technology is that it allows people more access to recording equipment than ever before. If you want to create your own special family history photos, you no longer need to take old negatives to get processed. All you need is to scan your photos.


You can even share your family history photos online with the rest of your family, so you won’t have to try to figure out how to burn discs or send memory drives to people across the country. If you want to share your family history privately online, consider the following options to help you share family movies online while still keeping them private. 

Facebook is one of the most popular options to share your family photos with family privately. You can share family history with your family by uploading your family photos to your account under a custom filter that only allows certain people to view the post. This option will require you to have anyone who wants to see the photos on your Facebook account, so keep that in mind.  

Private Facebook Groups

You can create a private Facebook group for your family so that family history information can be shared and accessed right on Facebook. The benefits of a private group are that only people who have access to the group will be able to see the information, post comments, etc., so you can limit this to family members or other exclusive groups. Another benefit of this option is that it’s likely that most of your family members have a Facebook account, so this is a very accessible social media site. Finally, the Facebook platform is ideal for sharing all types of files and documents—including photos, videos, and even scanned letters—so this is a one-size-fits-all option in terms of what you can share.

Instagram and Twitter 

Instagram and Twitter are both potential social media options that you should consider. Both of these social media platforms have options for private posting, but you cannot limit the content to specific groups. For instance, if you post something on your friends-only Twitter account, all of your Twitter friends—not just family members—will be able to see it. This option is best if you are going to post content that is not sensitive or private, such as your own personal family history photos that you don’t mind sharing with others; conversely, it’s not the best option for sharing personal or private information, particularly if it relates to other family members. 

Google Drive  

Another option for privately uploading family photos is using Google Drive. Google Drive can be used to upload content and then create private links, so that only anyone with the link can view the photos. You can also password protect your photos for added security, but remember that you’ll need to give the password to any family members who want to view the galleries.  


Other Options

There are a few other options you may want to consider if the above two choices don’t work for your needs. There are other family history related websites, such as ancestry sites, where you can share and upload family history information; and you can also consider creating an online group on a messaging platform such as Skype or LINE, where you can chat with individuals or groups and share photos, links, and so on.

Whichever platform you choose, just remember to enjoy sharing your family history through family movies in a private space online. 

To learn how to back up your old photos click here.

To learn how to convert old family slides click here.

To learn how to Label Your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.

What is the best software to burn my family videos to DVD?

What is the best software to burn my family VHS videos to DVD?

Are you worried about your family history being lost due to outdated formats like VHS? If so, you are not alone: now that VHS players are no longer being produced, you are right to worry because once your VHS players stop working it means that you can no longer enjoy your family movies.

And what will happen with the next generation, who aren’t going to have old VHS players in the garage?

Sharing family films with your children, especially films which feature family members who have passed away will be nearly impossible if you leave them on VHS. Thankfully, you don’t have to leave your family movies on VHS to rot away. Transferring them to DVD is the first step to preserving them for future generations and making them accessible to watch for other people in your family who want to enjoy family history. To do this, you will need the right software and tools.

Let’s take a closer look at the best software you can use to transfer your family movies from VHS to DVD.

Roxio Easy VHS to DVD 3 Plus

This is the most accessible software that anyone with access to a computer should be able to use. With the Roxio software, you will be able to connect your VHS player or camcorder right to your computer using a USB device. From there, all you have to do is use the installed Roxio software to capture the movies, transfer them and then burn them onto a DVD or even convert them into files you can store on your phone, the digital cloud, Facebook or YouTube. Best of all, the Roxio software isn’t just a convertor: you can actually stabilize shaky old home videos, trim them if you want, or split them into different DVDs by theme, year, and people who are in the film, and so on. For example, you could create a DVD solely of children’s Christmas concerts, family birthday videos, and so on.

Golden Videos VHS to DVD Converter

Like Roxio, this is fairly accessible software that allows you to easily convert family movies on VHS to DVD. This software works similarly to the Roxio software. You connect your VHS player to your computer, use the software to capture and transfer the footage, and from there you can burn it onto DVD or convert it into a file that can be shared online or stored in the cloud. There are some more complex video editor tools with this software, such as automatic stabilization and the ability to add subtitles and even special effects. If you are looking to do more than simply capture the videos as-is, then this is a good software option that will let you play around with your family videos in a more complex way.


Remember: VHS tapes do not last forever. If you are worried about sharing home movies with your children and grandchildren and others in your family, then make sure you back them up to DVD so they can be cherished forever.

To learn how to film your grandparent with a smart phone click here.

To learn how to back up your old photos click here.

To learn how to convert old family slides click here.

To learn how to Label Your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.

How to Share Family Videos Online Privately

How to Share Family Videos Online Privately


Your family history is something that deserves to be passed down and preserved for future generations. Most people unfortunately are left with missing pieces of family history because they don’t take the time to preserve it through family films and family photos; but it is easier than ever to create family movies that showcase and highlight your family, including tidbits about your family history that can be shared across generations. 


One of the great things about modern day technology is that it allows people more access to recording equipment than ever before. If you want to create your own special family films, you no longer need to purchase an expensive video camera or rent equipment; all you need is a smart phone, a tripod (or a steady hand) and if you’re looking to make long films, a memory card!  


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You can even share your family movies online with the rest of your family, so you won’t have to try to figure out how to burn discs or send memory drives to people across the country. If you want to share your family history privately online, consider the following options to help you share family movies online while still keeping them private. 



YouTube is one of the most popular online video platforms in the world. While most people associate YouTube with very public viral videos, the videos you upload to YouTube don’t have to be public. When it comes to uploading family movies on this platform, you have two options: uploading videos as private, which means only people who are given special access through their YouTube account and view it; or uploading videos as unlisted, which means only people who have the specific links can find the video. If you want to know more, check out my other article about uploading family videos to YouTube. 


Facebook is another option for uploading family films. You can share family history with your family by uploading your family videos to your account under a custom filter that only allows certain people to view the post. This option will require you to have anyone who wants to see the video on your Facebook account, so keep that in mind.  

For a Step-by-Step Guide to Privately Uploading and Sharing Family Videos on Facebook Click Here

Google Drive  

Another option for privately uploading family videos is using Google Drive. Google Drive can be used to upload content and then create private links so that only anyone with the link can view the video. You can also password-protect your videos for added security but remember that you’ll need to give the password to any family members who want to watch the videos.  

  For a Step-by-Step Guide to Privately Uploading and Sharing Family Videos on Google Drive Click Here.


Vimeo is another option for uploading your videos. You will need to upload your videos as “private”; much like YouTube, you have several privacy options, such as unlisted videos and password-protected videos. 

  For a Step-by-Step Guide to Privately Uploading and Sharing Family Videos on Vimeo Click Here.


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Whichever platform you choose, just remember to enjoy sharing your family history through family movies in a private space online. 

For more valuable insights and guidance on recording your family history, we invite you to visit our "Lights Camera Ancestry" video series. Through our videos on the SSFDocumentary YouTube channel, Silver Screen Family provides a wealth of information covering genealogical topics and expert tips on how to record and preserve your family's history.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to create a lasting legacy for your loved ones. Join us on Silver Screen Family's YouTube channel and embark on an exciting journey of capturing and sharing your family's remarkable stories. Together, let's celebrate the power of family and the enduring value of preserving our shared history.

To learn how to back up your old photos click here.

To learn how to convert old family slides click here.

To learn how to Label Your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.

Should You Store Your Family Films on YouTube?

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Should you store your family films on YouTube?

Family history is important, and one of the ways that people preserve their family history is through photos as well as family movies. Family films can capture those precious and important moments in your family, from birthday parties to garden barbecues and everything in between.  

It’s becoming easier than ever to backup family mementos in ways that allow you to share them with the rest of your family—but what about family movies? Unlike family photos, movies aren’t as easily uploaded to sites where your family can privately access them to view family history. One option that many people are turning to in order to store family films is YouTube. But should you store your family history on YouTube? Let’s take a closer look at the options you have for storing family movies using this service. 

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Uploading to YouTube 

There are three primary ways that you can upload family films to YouTube: public videos, private videos and unlisted videos. Each of these video options has its pros and cons when it comes to uploading family movies.  

Public Videos 

Public videos are completely available to the public. Anyone can technically find your family movies if they happen to come across them using the search function. This also means that the videos can be shared and embedded by anyone on the internet. It is not the best option if you want your family movies to be private, or if the information or content on the videos is something you (or someone in the video) wouldn’t want to be shared with the world. This option does allow for easier access for family members because they won’t have to follow special links or get invited, but it does come with the drawbacks of no privacy. 

Private Videos 

Private videos can only be viewed by people who have been specifically invited to view the video. This means that anyone who wants to view the video has to have a YouTube account, and you (or whoever decides to upload the videos) have to invite them. This is the ultimate private option on YouTube, as it allows you to grant exclusive control over who can view the video. This option is limited to 50 accounts, so it’s not ideal if you want to share the video with a massive amount of family members. 

Unlisted Videos 

Unlisted videos can technically be viewed by anyone—however; they cannot be found using the search function and can only be discovered by people who have the specific link to the video. You can then give out this link to a select group of people whom you want to see your family movies. The upside to this option is that people can view it without having a YouTube account or waiting to be invited/approved; the downside is that the videos are technically not private and if someone gives out the link in a public location, other people could view the video. 

If you want to store your family movies on YouTube, carefully consider the above options when making your decision. 

To learn how to back up your old photos click here.

To learn how to convert old family slides click here.

To learn how to label your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.

Which Free Editing Software Is the Best?

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Which Free Editing Software Is the Best?


Our family history is one of the most important things we can preserve in our lifetimes; family films and family photos are two of the most common ways that we can make sure that our family history is preserved for future generations. Everything from names and family stories to someone’s smile and laughter can be preserved with family films--but what do you do with the footage once you have it? 


If you are like most people, you probably can’t afford expensive, professional grade video editing software for your family films. Thankfully, you don’t have to spend a ton of money to get your family history in top shape for sharing with other family members. There are many free editing software options to choose from, each of which offers great features at zero cost to you. 


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Best Free Editing Software 


There are many free editing software options out there, but some stand out above the others.The following are some of the best free editing software options for preserving your family history on film. 



Lightworks is one of the best free editing software options out there today. You can get Lightworks on Windows, Mac or Linux. There is a paid version of Lightworks, but most people do just fine with the free version which has plenty of features. 

The free editor includes: 

  • Multicam support options 

  • Export to 720p 

  • High precision video trimming 

  • Multiple video formats supported 

There are even video tutorial available with Lightworks which can help you learn the ropes.  



Shotcut is an open source video editing program that lets you access tons of great editing features at no cost. The editor supports multiple formats and includes tutorial videos to help you learn the basics. Shotcut even supports 4k HD resolution support along with easy timeline editing. Although some users might find the interface hard to understand at first, once you start using Shotcut, you’ll quickly learn the ropes and have no problem managing the interface. 

Machete Video Editor Lite 

Machete Video Editor Lite is a simple yet effective free video editor that will let you get the job done simply and efficient. The free version only lets you edit video, so you won't be able to edit audio only, but unless you're trying to do something advanced with your family films, this probably won't be an issue. Machete Lite is Windows only and doesn't support many different file tips, but if you're lucky to simply splice your family videos together, this is a great, simple option. 



Avidemux is a great beginner's editing software that has some surprisingly powerful features. The features offered by Avidemux include cutting and splicing, encoding and adding filters. The interface is very easy and simple to use, and although there aren't as many features in this video editor as others, it's great for beginners and simple jobs. 

If you’re looking for free video editing software for your family films, check out any of the above options. 

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How to Back Up Your Old Photos.

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How to back up old photos.

Family photo albums are a window into your family history. The names, faces and stories of your family members are all held in your cherished photos and family films. Many people do not think about backing up their family photo albums and family films until something has happened to damage them, such as water or fire damage; thankfully, it is easier than ever to back up your old photos and keep your family history safe and secure. 

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Scanning Photos with a Traditional Scanner  

The most traditional way to back up family photo albums is with a standard scanner. For this, you’ll need a scanner capable of scanning photos in colour; these photos can then be backed up onto a laptop or computer and then onto a cloud, USB drive or other backup method.  

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Scanning Photos with a Smart Phone 

If you want a way to back up your family photos that is a lot easier and more convenient than a bulky traditional scanner, you can use your smart phone to quickly and efficiently back up your family photos. Thanks to the development of special photo backup apps, it’s possible to get high quality scans of your family photos that you can treasure forever.  


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To learn how to back up your old photos click here.

To learn how to convert old family slides click here.

To learn how to label your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.

To learn how to share family films on YouTube privately click here.

Photo Backup Apps 

There are a number of different photo backup apps on the market today, some of which are free and others which require a subscription or fee. If you are looking for a backup app that will help you efficiently back up all your family photos, take a look at the following 3 apps that are sure to get the job done right. 

Google PhotoScan  

PhotoScan from Google is one of the most popular photo backup apps in the world, thanks to two factors: one, it is free to use; and two, it has a simple and easy-to-use interface that is perfect for backing up large amounts of photos. PhotoScan can also be integrated with Google Drive, so you can automatically back up your photos to a cloud without having to upload them manually. 


The popular cloud hosting site DropBox also doubles as a photo scan backup app which can be integrated right into the DropBox cloud platform. The DropBox photo backup interface is easy to use and allows for quick cropping and minor editing. Your photos can then be automatically backed up onto a DropBox account for safekeeping. 



If you’re looking for something that’s more on the advanced side, then you will want to check out PhotoMyne, which allows you to backup, edit and manage your family photos. PhotoMyne is a paid app that requires a subscription service, so keep this in mind when choosing an app. 


Upload to Cloud 

Once you have your family photo albums and family films backed up, you’ll want to upload them to a cloud account so that you will always have a copy of them even if the originals or your phone are damaged. Popular cloud options include Google Drive, Dropbox, and Flickr.  

Check out our 10 questions to ask your parents before it's too late!

To learn which is the best software for doing a family tree click here.

To learn how to trace holocaust survivors and victims in your family history click here.

To learn whether we should record the lives of our pets click here.

To learn how to research gay family history click here.