How to share family photos online privately.

Silver Screen Family history photos

How to share family photos online privately.


Your family history is something that deserves to be passed down and preserved for future generations. Most people, unfortunately, are left with missing pieces of family history because they don’t take the time to preserve like not knowing who the person in an old photograph is; but it is easier than ever to create family history photo galleries to showcase and highlight your family, including tidbits about your family history that can be shared across generations. 


One of the great things about modern-day technology is that it allows people more access to recording equipment than ever before. If you want to create your own special family history photos, you no longer need to take old negatives to get processed. All you need is to scan your photos.


You can even share your family history photos online with the rest of your family, so you won’t have to try to figure out how to burn discs or send memory drives to people across the country. If you want to share your family history privately online, consider the following options to help you share family movies online while still keeping them private. 

Facebook is one of the most popular options to share your family photos with family privately. You can share family history with your family by uploading your family photos to your account under a custom filter that only allows certain people to view the post. This option will require you to have anyone who wants to see the photos on your Facebook account, so keep that in mind.  

Private Facebook Groups

You can create a private Facebook group for your family so that family history information can be shared and accessed right on Facebook. The benefits of a private group are that only people who have access to the group will be able to see the information, post comments, etc., so you can limit this to family members or other exclusive groups. Another benefit of this option is that it’s likely that most of your family members have a Facebook account, so this is a very accessible social media site. Finally, the Facebook platform is ideal for sharing all types of files and documents—including photos, videos, and even scanned letters—so this is a one-size-fits-all option in terms of what you can share.

Instagram and Twitter 

Instagram and Twitter are both potential social media options that you should consider. Both of these social media platforms have options for private posting, but you cannot limit the content to specific groups. For instance, if you post something on your friends-only Twitter account, all of your Twitter friends—not just family members—will be able to see it. This option is best if you are going to post content that is not sensitive or private, such as your own personal family history photos that you don’t mind sharing with others; conversely, it’s not the best option for sharing personal or private information, particularly if it relates to other family members. 

Google Drive  

Another option for privately uploading family photos is using Google Drive. Google Drive can be used to upload content and then create private links, so that only anyone with the link can view the photos. You can also password protect your photos for added security, but remember that you’ll need to give the password to any family members who want to view the galleries.  


Other Options

There are a few other options you may want to consider if the above two choices don’t work for your needs. There are other family history related websites, such as ancestry sites, where you can share and upload family history information; and you can also consider creating an online group on a messaging platform such as Skype or LINE, where you can chat with individuals or groups and share photos, links, and so on.

Whichever platform you choose, just remember to enjoy sharing your family history through family movies in a private space online. 

To learn how to back up your old photos click here.

To learn how to convert old family slides click here.

To learn how to Label Your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.

Which is the best free photo editing software


The best free photo-editing software.

Family photos are an important part of preserving family history. They can be preserved, shared and passed down from generation to generation so that everyone can learn their family history and pass on the legacy of those who came before them. However, not all old family photographs are able to stand the test of time. Family photos can become damaged through creasing, damage due to being stored in photo albums made with certain types of glue, paper or plastic; and a number of other issues that cause family photos to look less than their best.

Thankfully, with the digital age, it is easier than ever to fix family photos using photo editing software.

The following are the best free photo editing software programs to check out if you want to preserve your family history by restoring family photos to their former glory.

Retouch Pilot Lite

Retouch Pilot Lite is ideal for retouching old family photographs. This program is free to use and has simple retouching features that can handle the most common issues suffered by old photographs, including resolving problems like missing pieces of photographs, presence of creases or scratches, moisture spots and more. The program is simple to use, so even people without photo editing softwareexperiencecan use it to retouch family photos without any trouble.


GIMP is a free program that is often called ‘free Photoshop.’ GIMP has plenty of features that allow you to retouch even the most damaged of old family photographs. GIMP has more advanced features and a more complicated set-up than most free programs, so you will likely need to check out some tutorials when it comes to retouching photos with a number of problems. With GIMP you will be able to tackle the most common restorative issues faced by old photos—such as creases, missing pieces, etc.—as well as work with more advanced editing tools. You can play around with brightness and contrast or even resolve color problems, such as reducing yellowing that can occur in photos stored with certain types of glues and plastics.

Pixlr Editor

Pixlr Editor is a web browser based editor that allows you to restore and edit old family photographs. It is not as advanced as GIMP but it provides many more editing options than Retouch Pilot Lite, such as the ability to work with layers. With Pixlr Editor, you can smooth out creases, fill in missing pieces, and even play around with brightness, contrast and color. It is not as powerful as GIMP due to operating out of a web browser, but it is simpler to use and may be the better option if you aren’t ready to tackle a program like GIMP yet.Family photos are a way to preserve your family history for generations to come.

If you want to make sure that they look their best and can be enjoyed by family for years, take a look at the above free photo editing software that can help you restore family photos to their former glory

To learn how to back up your old photos click here.

To learn how to convert old family slides click here.

To learn how to label your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.

How to Share Family Videos Online Privately

How to Share Family Videos Online Privately


Your family history is something that deserves to be passed down and preserved for future generations. Most people unfortunately are left with missing pieces of family history because they don’t take the time to preserve it through family films and family photos; but it is easier than ever to create family movies that showcase and highlight your family, including tidbits about your family history that can be shared across generations. 


One of the great things about modern day technology is that it allows people more access to recording equipment than ever before. If you want to create your own special family films, you no longer need to purchase an expensive video camera or rent equipment; all you need is a smart phone, a tripod (or a steady hand) and if you’re looking to make long films, a memory card!  


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You can even share your family movies online with the rest of your family, so you won’t have to try to figure out how to burn discs or send memory drives to people across the country. If you want to share your family history privately online, consider the following options to help you share family movies online while still keeping them private. 



YouTube is one of the most popular online video platforms in the world. While most people associate YouTube with very public viral videos, the videos you upload to YouTube don’t have to be public. When it comes to uploading family movies on this platform, you have two options: uploading videos as private, which means only people who are given special access through their YouTube account and view it; or uploading videos as unlisted, which means only people who have the specific links can find the video. If you want to know more, check out my other article about uploading family videos to YouTube. 


Facebook is another option for uploading family films. You can share family history with your family by uploading your family videos to your account under a custom filter that only allows certain people to view the post. This option will require you to have anyone who wants to see the video on your Facebook account, so keep that in mind.  

For a Step-by-Step Guide to Privately Uploading and Sharing Family Videos on Facebook Click Here

Google Drive  

Another option for privately uploading family videos is using Google Drive. Google Drive can be used to upload content and then create private links so that only anyone with the link can view the video. You can also password-protect your videos for added security but remember that you’ll need to give the password to any family members who want to watch the videos.  

  For a Step-by-Step Guide to Privately Uploading and Sharing Family Videos on Google Drive Click Here.


Vimeo is another option for uploading your videos. You will need to upload your videos as “private”; much like YouTube, you have several privacy options, such as unlisted videos and password-protected videos. 

  For a Step-by-Step Guide to Privately Uploading and Sharing Family Videos on Vimeo Click Here.


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Whichever platform you choose, just remember to enjoy sharing your family history through family movies in a private space online. 

For more valuable insights and guidance on recording your family history, we invite you to visit our "Lights Camera Ancestry" video series. Through our videos on the SSFDocumentary YouTube channel, Silver Screen Family provides a wealth of information covering genealogical topics and expert tips on how to record and preserve your family's history.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to create a lasting legacy for your loved ones. Join us on Silver Screen Family's YouTube channel and embark on an exciting journey of capturing and sharing your family's remarkable stories. Together, let's celebrate the power of family and the enduring value of preserving our shared history.

To learn how to back up your old photos click here.

To learn how to convert old family slides click here.

To learn how to Label Your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.

How To Film Your Parents/Grandparents On A Smart Phone.

How To Film Your Parents/Grandparents On A Smart Phone.

How To Film Your Parents/Grandparents On A Smart Phone

Photos are the only record many people have of their family history. A photo album is the only way to look at the precious few pictures of your grandparents there are. You can’t hear them talk, or laugh, or cry. Just a few, faded black and white pictures in a family album. You’ll have no idea who some of the people in there are, as there’s no information along with the pictures. 

At Silver Screen Family our aim is to get people to start filming their parents/loved ones with whatever equipment they might have available. 

I have always had a passion for family history and ever since I was a child I have been filming my family history videos.  My family is now so grateful that I filmed my great grandmother talking about her childhood.  Remembering the first time she read the headline of the Titanic sinking.  Remembering the hardships endured in the First and Second World Wars as well as the more personal stories such as her first boyfriend who sadly died.  This I filmed as a child with an old home movie camera!

The digital revolution has changed the way we film and shoot footage.   Everyone has a decent camera on their phone nowadays.  It has also made sharing family history documents and family film recordings much easier. 

We don’t realize how easy this is to do and how important it is to have these family historical recordings until our parents or grandparents are no longer with us and we have no one to ask.  

Having a family film that documents your family history will enable you to share it with your children.  Having a video showing mum talk about the person in an old black and white photo, for example, will help pass this knowledge down your generation line when they and us are no longer are around. 

The aim of this article is to show how with the equipment you already have, you can create a great family history film without having to purchase any further equipment.   I recommend using a cheap lavalier mic compatible with your phone and a tripod but as I say this is not necessary as the aim of this article is to create a good film out of the equipment you already have.  


  1. You will need an iPhone or other smart mobile phones with a camera.  (please make sure you film horizontally and in the best video quality possible). 

  2. Lighting is very important.  Have your parent or family member face a window (Try avoiding direct sunlight as this will create shadows).  Place the camera between them and the window. 

  3. Audio from a mobile phone can vary and I recommend getting a cheap lavalier microphone, which is compatible with your phone.  You can find decent microphones online for under £25.   Regardless of the microphone, you use, when recording close all windows and switch off any loud electronic appliances such as TVs, radios, fans, etc.  The aim is to record in a quiet and peaceful environment where we will only hear our parent’s/grandparent’s voice. 

  4. Holding your phone whilst recording will create a lot of movement making the video judder.  Using a tripod stand will give you a stable image with no movement.  If you do not have a tripod stand do not worry rest your phone on a stack of books for example. 

  5. It is worth remembering that the family history movie you create will be passed down from generation to generation. Try finding a clutter-free area in the house where your family member could be filmed.  The aim is to have no distractions in the shot and the viewer focuses on them.  

  6. Framing your shot.  Try to relax your parent, sit them on a comfortable chair and set your shot.  Try positioning your family member on one-third of the screen either to the left or to the right (as can be seen in the example below).  Once you have set your shot, ask your parent to leave a pause between your question and their response.  That will be really helpful when editing the video.  Next week I will be writing a blog about the best free editing software to edit your family film. Stayed tuned and happy filming!!!  



How to Back Up Your Old Photos.

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How to back up old photos.

Family photo albums are a window into your family history. The names, faces and stories of your family members are all held in your cherished photos and family films. Many people do not think about backing up their family photo albums and family films until something has happened to damage them, such as water or fire damage; thankfully, it is easier than ever to back up your old photos and keep your family history safe and secure. 

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Scanning Photos with a Traditional Scanner  

The most traditional way to back up family photo albums is with a standard scanner. For this, you’ll need a scanner capable of scanning photos in colour; these photos can then be backed up onto a laptop or computer and then onto a cloud, USB drive or other backup method.  

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Scanning Photos with a Smart Phone 

If you want a way to back up your family photos that is a lot easier and more convenient than a bulky traditional scanner, you can use your smart phone to quickly and efficiently back up your family photos. Thanks to the development of special photo backup apps, it’s possible to get high quality scans of your family photos that you can treasure forever.  


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To learn how to back up your old photos click here.

To learn how to convert old family slides click here.

To learn how to label your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.

To learn how to share family films on YouTube privately click here.

Photo Backup Apps 

There are a number of different photo backup apps on the market today, some of which are free and others which require a subscription or fee. If you are looking for a backup app that will help you efficiently back up all your family photos, take a look at the following 3 apps that are sure to get the job done right. 

Google PhotoScan  

PhotoScan from Google is one of the most popular photo backup apps in the world, thanks to two factors: one, it is free to use; and two, it has a simple and easy-to-use interface that is perfect for backing up large amounts of photos. PhotoScan can also be integrated with Google Drive, so you can automatically back up your photos to a cloud without having to upload them manually. 


The popular cloud hosting site DropBox also doubles as a photo scan backup app which can be integrated right into the DropBox cloud platform. The DropBox photo backup interface is easy to use and allows for quick cropping and minor editing. Your photos can then be automatically backed up onto a DropBox account for safekeeping. 



If you’re looking for something that’s more on the advanced side, then you will want to check out PhotoMyne, which allows you to backup, edit and manage your family photos. PhotoMyne is a paid app that requires a subscription service, so keep this in mind when choosing an app. 


Upload to Cloud 

Once you have your family photo albums and family films backed up, you’ll want to upload them to a cloud account so that you will always have a copy of them even if the originals or your phone are damaged. Popular cloud options include Google Drive, Dropbox, and Flickr.  

Check out our 10 questions to ask your parents before it's too late!

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