How to share family photos online privately.

Silver Screen Family history photos

How to share family photos online privately.


Your family history is something that deserves to be passed down and preserved for future generations. Most people, unfortunately, are left with missing pieces of family history because they don’t take the time to preserve like not knowing who the person in an old photograph is; but it is easier than ever to create family history photo galleries to showcase and highlight your family, including tidbits about your family history that can be shared across generations. 


One of the great things about modern-day technology is that it allows people more access to recording equipment than ever before. If you want to create your own special family history photos, you no longer need to take old negatives to get processed. All you need is to scan your photos.


You can even share your family history photos online with the rest of your family, so you won’t have to try to figure out how to burn discs or send memory drives to people across the country. If you want to share your family history privately online, consider the following options to help you share family movies online while still keeping them private. 

Facebook is one of the most popular options to share your family photos with family privately. You can share family history with your family by uploading your family photos to your account under a custom filter that only allows certain people to view the post. This option will require you to have anyone who wants to see the photos on your Facebook account, so keep that in mind.  

Private Facebook Groups

You can create a private Facebook group for your family so that family history information can be shared and accessed right on Facebook. The benefits of a private group are that only people who have access to the group will be able to see the information, post comments, etc., so you can limit this to family members or other exclusive groups. Another benefit of this option is that it’s likely that most of your family members have a Facebook account, so this is a very accessible social media site. Finally, the Facebook platform is ideal for sharing all types of files and documents—including photos, videos, and even scanned letters—so this is a one-size-fits-all option in terms of what you can share.

Instagram and Twitter 

Instagram and Twitter are both potential social media options that you should consider. Both of these social media platforms have options for private posting, but you cannot limit the content to specific groups. For instance, if you post something on your friends-only Twitter account, all of your Twitter friends—not just family members—will be able to see it. This option is best if you are going to post content that is not sensitive or private, such as your own personal family history photos that you don’t mind sharing with others; conversely, it’s not the best option for sharing personal or private information, particularly if it relates to other family members. 

Google Drive  

Another option for privately uploading family photos is using Google Drive. Google Drive can be used to upload content and then create private links, so that only anyone with the link can view the photos. You can also password protect your photos for added security, but remember that you’ll need to give the password to any family members who want to view the galleries.  


Other Options

There are a few other options you may want to consider if the above two choices don’t work for your needs. There are other family history related websites, such as ancestry sites, where you can share and upload family history information; and you can also consider creating an online group on a messaging platform such as Skype or LINE, where you can chat with individuals or groups and share photos, links, and so on.

Whichever platform you choose, just remember to enjoy sharing your family history through family movies in a private space online. 

To learn how to back up your old photos click here.

To learn how to convert old family slides click here.

To learn how to Label Your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.

How to Share Family Videos Online Privately

How to Share Family Videos Online Privately


Your family history is something that deserves to be passed down and preserved for future generations. Most people unfortunately are left with missing pieces of family history because they don’t take the time to preserve it through family films and family photos; but it is easier than ever to create family movies that showcase and highlight your family, including tidbits about your family history that can be shared across generations. 


One of the great things about modern day technology is that it allows people more access to recording equipment than ever before. If you want to create your own special family films, you no longer need to purchase an expensive video camera or rent equipment; all you need is a smart phone, a tripod (or a steady hand) and if you’re looking to make long films, a memory card!  


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You can even share your family movies online with the rest of your family, so you won’t have to try to figure out how to burn discs or send memory drives to people across the country. If you want to share your family history privately online, consider the following options to help you share family movies online while still keeping them private. 



YouTube is one of the most popular online video platforms in the world. While most people associate YouTube with very public viral videos, the videos you upload to YouTube don’t have to be public. When it comes to uploading family movies on this platform, you have two options: uploading videos as private, which means only people who are given special access through their YouTube account and view it; or uploading videos as unlisted, which means only people who have the specific links can find the video. If you want to know more, check out my other article about uploading family videos to YouTube. 


Facebook is another option for uploading family films. You can share family history with your family by uploading your family videos to your account under a custom filter that only allows certain people to view the post. This option will require you to have anyone who wants to see the video on your Facebook account, so keep that in mind.  

For a Step-by-Step Guide to Privately Uploading and Sharing Family Videos on Facebook Click Here

Google Drive  

Another option for privately uploading family videos is using Google Drive. Google Drive can be used to upload content and then create private links so that only anyone with the link can view the video. You can also password-protect your videos for added security but remember that you’ll need to give the password to any family members who want to watch the videos.  

  For a Step-by-Step Guide to Privately Uploading and Sharing Family Videos on Google Drive Click Here.


Vimeo is another option for uploading your videos. You will need to upload your videos as “private”; much like YouTube, you have several privacy options, such as unlisted videos and password-protected videos. 

  For a Step-by-Step Guide to Privately Uploading and Sharing Family Videos on Vimeo Click Here.


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Whichever platform you choose, just remember to enjoy sharing your family history through family movies in a private space online. 

For more valuable insights and guidance on recording your family history, we invite you to visit our "Lights Camera Ancestry" video series. Through our videos on the SSFDocumentary YouTube channel, Silver Screen Family provides a wealth of information covering genealogical topics and expert tips on how to record and preserve your family's history.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to create a lasting legacy for your loved ones. Join us on Silver Screen Family's YouTube channel and embark on an exciting journey of capturing and sharing your family's remarkable stories. Together, let's celebrate the power of family and the enduring value of preserving our shared history.

To learn how to back up your old photos click here.

To learn how to convert old family slides click here.

To learn how to Label Your old photo digital scans by using metadata click here.